110- Getting back to that “Happy Place”

The following is borrowed from a Facebook status of a friend, and I felt it so timely:

In many shamanic societies if you came to a medicine person complaining of being dis-heartened, dis-spirited, depressed, they would ask you one of four ?s

when did you stop dancing
when did you stop singing
when did you stop being enchanted by stories
when did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?

I keep finding posts about how to get back to that “happy place” for people who are entangled in their old ways, their old patterns.

Just this morning, I was thinking that dancing, kirtan, and meditation are certainly ways to happiness, given they are engaged in mindfully. They are ways of staying present, ways of experiencing anew what may seem like the same activity.

Each day, a new life. Each breath, a new attitude. Each moment, a new beginning.


87- The Dance

All is part of the dance of life, and sacred union so often takes the shape of a heart, symbolizing both the rising together and the collapsing into the other.


86- Survival Mode Antidote


In my lack of awareness yesterday, I was acutely aware of something…. and that was my lack of connection. I noticed yesterday, while figuring out how to organize and transport my belongings to donation, storage unit, and moving, that I … Continue reading


82- Magnetic

Magnetic polarity

Drawn, with only the slightest note,

Toward each other

Heart to Heart

Two of the same

Seemingly opposite

Sometimes pushing apart

Yet always one turn of the heart

toward union

Balanced delicately at the crux

The nameless force we dance



and in bliss


Feeling you, All ways, Always.


72- Beach Dancing


Tonight I tried something new! My friend Joel called me up and told me about this lady who gathers a group of people on the beach, gives each of them an iPod shuffle with a preset playlist, has everyone hit … Continue reading


66- Hidden Connections Part Two


This gallery contains 1 photo.

“A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one.” ~Heraclitus (c.536-470 BC)  Last night, I experienced deep physical connection with someone I had only “known” for a few minutes. I ventured again to The Studio Maui for their 5Rhythms class, … Continue reading


62- In Rhythm


This gallery contains 1 photo.

I think my body has been screaming at me, but not sure what it is saying. My heel kills me when I haven’t been standing for a while, or when I stand too long. My lower back always hurts, and … Continue reading


53- Just a Vagabond

Today, I am beat. BUT, I had an amazing party last night with friends. I am a bit too tired to do it justice, but I will post some pics, and hopefully tomorrow I can share a bit of all that happened. Until then, malama pono!


52- Vagabond


This gallery contains 1 photo.

It seems I am a day late on this post! Whoops! My daughter and I were having a great conversation last night about different types of personalities, but specifically narcissists. I know, odd conversation. Tonight, I celebrate with friends in … Continue reading


44- Passionate Curiosity


I was sitting down to write this blog last night, when my roommate and I engaged in conversation. Part of me really wanted to get the blog written for the day and Accomplish my goal of keeping on track. The … Continue reading
