142- Oh, to Die Again, and Again….


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You say I am repeating Something I have said before. I shall say it again, Shall I say it again? In order to arrive there, To arrive where you are, to get from where you are not, You must go … Continue reading


103- Beating the Heat at RIMPAC


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I recently spent 2 days on Ford Island, taking part in RIMPAC, and it was quite the experience! RIMPAC is the largest international maritime exercise in the world, and happens every two years. I felt very fortunate to participate as … Continue reading


57- What to do in the face of face eating zombies


I read today in a pharmacy update about “face eating zombies” in Miami. If you haven’t heard, here is one story. Here is an even better commentary. My first instinct was to stand up from my computer, go knock on … Continue reading


56- Guided By Angels

I am behind on my posts because of this recent move of mine. Man, do I have a lot of stuff! I thought I was doing better, but it seems not. Time for some spring/summer cleaning!

With the falling apart of my life as I know it comes the ability to rebuild it how I want.

“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” -Deepak Chopra

And chaos I have been experiencing! But it’s magical, for I feel it’s all happening in perfect harmony, if that makes any sense.

Truly, my guardian angel(s) guide me daily.

A couple of weeks ago, I was unsure of where I would be living. I got a call from a friend who knew someone distantly who needed a house sitter for six weeks, starting the next morning!

This lady has a beautiful dog we get to enjoy and a whole house for us to transition in while I find a good place for my daughter and myself. Yes, my guardian angel is right there at my side.

Two days ago, I was trying to secure a truck for moving my larger items. A friend of mine said I could come to Paia to grab his truck and borrow it. As soon as I hung up with him, I got a text from a friend I haven’t heard from in months. He wanted to ride bikes, but when I told him I was moving, he offered his truck AND his muscles! He was a godsend. I don’t think I could have done it without him and, of course, my BFF Shane.

I have stuff all around me, and it’s chaotic, but the abundance is rising from the rubble. I am getting paid for my wedding ring I tried to sell over a year ago, and I am ready to sell tons of my stuff. I had a job interview, and I am nearly Federalized for DMAT (Disaster Medical Assistance Team).

I have faith my guardian angel knows what she is doing, and I can’t wait to see what is around the next corner!


55-Turning Around

Maui is a funny place, where you quickly manifest your life. It’s the most amazing place to see your thoughts take form.

I was going through so much “loss” of things in my life, or rather a cutting off. As soon as I was on the cusp of the final cut, I started receiving things, like job interviews and the like.

Something big is on the horizon!


29- Lifetime Resume: Taking credit for all of your hard work


A new grad can feel really dumb. Even after 10 years of college, I compare myself to pharmacists who have been practicing for 10+ years and feel like somehow I should be as on my game as them. Well, feeling … Continue reading


25- Birthday


Tonight I was reminded of what wonderful people I have in my life. After a tense day of travel on Oahu with my daughter, we arrived at the airport and were happy to find that my car started. It has … Continue reading


21- Take Your Hands Off


Following is a comment from a devoted reader: One ‘teacher’, John DeRuiter said: ‘You’ve been using your energy, your life-force, to hold together a false construct of yourself, of your identity. Just take your hands OFF… and those constructs will … Continue reading


14- When Life Throws Curve Balls


I certainly don’t claim to be a spiritual guru, nor even very knowledgeable about the practices I am so interested in. I am a novice, single mother and young professional, working my way slowly, daily, toward being more clear and … Continue reading


5- Diving Off That Cliff Seemed The Best Thing To Do


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 I want to let you in on a little secret. There are no problems. Problems just mean the world isn’t turning out the way you want it to. Everything is unfolding as it should.   –Robert Adams My first post was … Continue reading
