He twisted my brain in a beautiful way…

My bestie and I were coming to the end of our text chat, as we so often do, living a 3-hour time difference apart. I texted, “Enjoy your dinner,” to which he replied,

” Enjoy your dreams.”

Normally, that would have been a “sweet dreams”, to which I would smile softly inside and then go home feeling properly tucked in, so to speak. This struck a completely different chord in me. First, I had the vision of actually sculpting and fashioning my sleeping dreams that night, really eating them up and making things happen.

But then, what are dreams but the soul’s manifestation of its desire? So, to enjoy our dreams is to LIVE our dreams…. not just in our sleep, but in our daily lives. And to enjoy our dreams is to be IN JOY with our heart’s desires.

So often, our dreams become our worst enemy. We think of how we aren’t living our dreams, so just the thought of that which makes us happy, ends up bringing us down. BUT, what if we stop feeling that we are, or are not, living our dreams and instead simply ENJOY that which makes us happy?

I love to dance. I love to think about dancing, to envision it, to dream about it, analyze it, flow with it. I dance with others, or with myself, in movement or in stillness. It is always with me. It is a part of me that connects me with that which is bigger than me. Call it the Divine if you will, or God. It is my portal to Heaven.

For 20 years, I have beat myself up for not dancing more, for letting my dream fall to the wayside while I pursued an advanced degree. The thought of dance (and anything that I love but am not doing) has brought me pain simply because I judged myself for not DOing them more.

The more I enjoy that Love of dance, that Joy in Movement for just that, for the feeling I get, for the connection it offers me, for how it lights up my body, heart and soul, the more I am living my dreams and loving my life. The more I enjoy the plants I have and not worry about the fact that I haven’t planted that garden yet, the more likely I am to actually plant and cultivate what I can.

The seed was already planted. Cultivate it, day by day, little by little.

So, there will be no sweet dreams tonight. Instead, there will be Joyfull dreams of all that makes my heart sing, and tomorrow the dream continues….living IN JOY with all in my life that brings me happiness, connection, peace and love.

Amazing how a small change in how something is said can twist your brain into seeing everything in a whole new light. Totally LOVING that!


Dancing again

It’s been years, and I had forgotten that all pervasive internal movement, the constant inner dialogue of dance.

Driving away, I find myself going through each movement, breaking it down into all its parts. I had forgotten how dance connects me to myself, how it reminds me of the interconnectedness of every little part of me, and how every little part of me connects to all that is around me.

Yes, how the smallest intentional movement can translate through your body and out into something big and beautiful, or something so small and profound. The dance inside mirrored out there, out in the world.

The unfurling of the soul.dancer swirl

I had forgotten how movement out there brings me closer to the movement in here, in my heart, in my very own body that remembers so much. The fascination of movement, and of slowing everything down to its infinitesimal purity, only to speed it back up again. And the test is to remain so in tune with the transitions that time stays slow, so that you can move like lightning.

That’s when life makes sense, when nothing else exists but the movement within and without, when my inner merges with the outer, I am space, I am flow, I am alive.


145- For all the times I had no voice

For all the times I had no voice, for the spirit within that is unseen, unacknowledged, unheard. For all women and the times they had no voice.

My God, how sad that I have so often felt Just. Like. This….

Vit Gestalt performance from Karolin Kent on Vimeo.

Excerpt from the site:

‘Vit gestalt’ is inspired by the research around the issue of female oppression within societies. This piece discusses her social restrictions whilst portraying her as a proud and strong creature, fighting for recognition. Kent utilizes the mediums of performance and live-art in order to discuss this matter. ‘Vit gestalt’ delivers a strong visual and expressive image by blending subtle and grotesque expression, through a structured improvisation of movement and voice.

Performance at Halmstad gatuteaterfestival 2012


139- Nobody Cares

It took me many years to find this to be true in many ways. A technician without passion is no fun to watch, but someone with true passion can draw you in and move you, even if their technique is lacking.
It’s the same in the dance of life. If you aren’t passionate about it, it doesn’t matter how good you are. People won’t be moved by you. Do what moves you, and it will inspire others to do the same.


87- The Dance

All is part of the dance of life, and sacred union so often takes the shape of a heart, symbolizing both the rising together and the collapsing into the other.


86- Survival Mode Antidote


In my lack of awareness yesterday, I was acutely aware of something…. and that was my lack of connection. I noticed yesterday, while figuring out how to organize and transport my belongings to donation, storage unit, and moving, that I … Continue reading


82- Magnetic

Magnetic polarity

Drawn, with only the slightest note,

Toward each other

Heart to Heart

Two of the same

Seemingly opposite

Sometimes pushing apart

Yet always one turn of the heart

toward union

Balanced delicately at the crux

The nameless force we dance



and in bliss


Feeling you, All ways, Always.


72- Beach Dancing


Tonight I tried something new! My friend Joel called me up and told me about this lady who gathers a group of people on the beach, gives each of them an iPod shuffle with a preset playlist, has everyone hit … Continue reading


71- I feel you

Love knows no separation.

My chest expands, my cheeks flush.

Electric passion courses up my spine, around my head, and up to the heavens, lifting my heart and lips in blissful smiles, blissful sighs.

When I close my eyes, I feel you.

When you touch me, I am seen.

Two souls dancing in the candlelight, caressing the space of one unified heart.

We breathe as one, bending, surrendering, supporting.


Mid-night reverie, cartwheels under the stars.

My heart is overflowing into song!

I feel you.

I am you.


66- Hidden Connections Part Two


This gallery contains 1 photo.

“A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one.” ~Heraclitus (c.536-470 BC)  Last night, I experienced deep physical connection with someone I had only “known” for a few minutes. I ventured again to The Studio Maui for their 5Rhythms class, … Continue reading
