The Heavens Opened Up and Poured Into My Heart

**This post is 2 months old, and I thought I had to write everything before posting….silly me

Joy is timeless, so InJoy!

I don’t know how to assimilate all of the goodness that is flowing into my life.

I opened the doors to what I want, and it’s all flooding in at once…. conscious relationships, dance, community, career success, financial stability, and something I never imagined….. having my whole reality shattered by a weekend of African dance.

Sounds odd, but bear with me, and you will understand.

Sometimes, I can’t tell if written words or spoken are better. Here is my Bathtime Musing #5, in case you prefer to listen:


146- I am Engaged to My Self


September 25th, I remembered some events in my past that had a profound effect on me. With that memory, and the current commitment to be more intimate with myself, came the remembrance of my engagement to myself on October 17, … Continue reading


124- Intimacy: The Mirror


The concept of intimacy has been coming up a lot in my life and in my therapy lately. Back in June, I was experiencing some amazing intimacy, and I felt that instead of losing myself in this person, I was … Continue reading


114- Through The Window

Walking holograms

Like the guards at the Queen of Heart’s castle,

They walk.

Flickering holograms, transparent to those who see.

Different from each of infinite angles.

Windows, the view through clouded by our own reflections.

A bright hologram, a window I can see through,

my beloved.

Where only I exist, where I meet the Beloved

In bliss, joy, boundless Love.

And windows get dirty, clouded by our own projections

And it is hard for others to see through

To meet the Beloved with you

In that space through the hologram, beyond the window.


113- You Cannot Drown In LOVE

Another inspired by a Facebook post. Original quote:

“Reason is powerless in the expression of LOVE.”
Rumi….. ♥

My thoughts:

Love is not rational. Love flows. What a wonderful way of being, to remember life is not black and white.
To try and rationalize “what is love” or “is this love” puts a damper on the true expression.
Flow with it. Let it sweep you away like the currents, and surrender to the beauty. You cannot drown in Love. ~Amy Baker


109- Who moved my mirror?


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My good friend Amanda came over today. I always love when we visit. She is a sunshiney person, and even on a rough day, she lights up my world when we are together. We talked about certain feelings like abandonment, … Continue reading


91- Re- Lation- Ship


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I spoke with my mind-body therapist yesterday about all the wonderful things in my life lately and some of the feelings coming up for me. We touched on the pulsation in relationship, the undulation of opening and closing. Just like … Continue reading


90- And she asked, “What is Love?”


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I haven’t thought about the make up of Love in some time, not in depth anyway. I have felt it, embraced it, expressed it, but not wondered what it is. Last night, my daughter shared with me her journalling about … Continue reading


85- How do you fill up?


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I have been feeling very full in my belly lately, which makes it hard to feel hunger. I talked to my therapist about it, and she pointed out all of the extremely emotional events I had been through that week, … Continue reading


45- When the Four Gates of Speech aren’t enough


I am in a quandary and unsure how to proceed. For the past several months, I have worked on only responding to people, whether it be via email or in person, without my ego. It is important to me to … Continue reading
