153- Holy Past Blast Batman!


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Life has been very full lately, largely of stressful things…. really stressful things. Yet, it is all balanced by so much beauty and support, that I honestly can’t complain. I don’t want to be in crisis mode all of the … Continue reading


140- Friendship is Unnecessary


“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival.” – C. S. Lewis I haven’t had enough friend time with my crazy schedule. I also needed … Continue reading


139- Nobody Cares

It took me many years to find this to be true in many ways. A technician without passion is no fun to watch, but someone with true passion can draw you in and move you, even if their technique is lacking.
It’s the same in the dance of life. If you aren’t passionate about it, it doesn’t matter how good you are. People won’t be moved by you. Do what moves you, and it will inspire others to do the same.


137- Who Do You Think You Are?

There is nothing to practice.
To know yourself, be yourself.
To be yourself, stop imagining
yourself to be this or that.
Just be. Let your true nature emerge.
Don’t disturb your mind with seeking.

Nisargadatta …. ♥

“Stop imagining yourself to be this or that”…. to stop identifying yourself as any-thing, which is purely the ego. May we all be the student every day. May we always be humble and trust that the other has their answers within them, and until they hear themselves speak that truth, they will not hear our answers.

We are neither “good” nor “bad”, wise nor dumb, virtuous nor sinful. We simply are as we are, perfect, and right where we are meant to be. Where else could we be?

133- Lifting Each Other Up, Effortlessly


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Very little is as uplifting as knowing that the way in which one lives her life has a positive effect on others… to know that living by example is enough to inspire to action those who are ready to take … Continue reading


131- Relationship or Work Issues? Talk With a Horse


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I never thought horses could teach me about how I act in relationships and in my life, until yesterday. We were introduced to equine therapy, and I was amazed at the insight gained in just a short hour session where … Continue reading



Our feelings toward others are not based in circumstance.
Rather, they reflect our feelings toward our own selves.
Our perception of our world is what it reflects back to us.
If you feel anger or shame, look inside, and
approach your Self with Love and Compassion.
We can only heal from the inside out. ~Amy Baker


115- Moon Prayer


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Sleepless Candles flicker, tickling my mind, which resists surrender to my body’s exhaustion. Flickers swell into a giant moonbeam soft and bright from the window behind my pillow. My divine self reflected back at me through the full moon’s brilliance. … Continue reading


110- Getting back to that “Happy Place”

The following is borrowed from a Facebook status of a friend, and I felt it so timely:

In many shamanic societies if you came to a medicine person complaining of being dis-heartened, dis-spirited, depressed, they would ask you one of four ?s

when did you stop dancing
when did you stop singing
when did you stop being enchanted by stories
when did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?

I keep finding posts about how to get back to that “happy place” for people who are entangled in their old ways, their old patterns.

Just this morning, I was thinking that dancing, kirtan, and meditation are certainly ways to happiness, given they are engaged in mindfully. They are ways of staying present, ways of experiencing anew what may seem like the same activity.

Each day, a new life. Each breath, a new attitude. Each moment, a new beginning.


109- Who moved my mirror?


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My good friend Amanda came over today. I always love when we visit. She is a sunshiney person, and even on a rough day, she lights up my world when we are together. We talked about certain feelings like abandonment, … Continue reading
