8- What I Meant To Say Was…. Final Impressions

Are you uniquely you?

I mean, we are each unique, so you can’t help but be…. and yet do you let yourself shine?

So often, we want to say something a certain way, or jump around like a buffoon, or sing at the top of our lungs, but we don’t. We worry about what others will think. We are programmed to be dull.

I went to a satsang a couple of weeks ago put on by Ram Dass. We are very lucky to have him living here on Maui, and it was the second time this year I have had the privilege of hearing him speak and having a chance to talk to him.

I waited in line to speak with him and to take a picture with my daughter and him. The first words out of my mouth were, “Hi, how are you?” I could see the fleeting look of bewilderment cross his eyes (or so it seemed). It was my automatic, programmed greeting. He had just spent a good while telling us how he was, and I was dismayed that I was still a robotron.

Me with Ram Dass after his Sunday Satsang, 3/2012

I write a lot of “professional” emails, and I used to feel somewhat unique when I closed a letter using “Best” or perhaps “Best regards,” or if I was really feeling it, “All my best.” Sincerely was overused, in my opinion. My very closest friends would get a “Hugs.”

What a limited way of expressing ourselves. Is that the final impression we want to leave someone with?

As I have surrounded myself with people who treasure and cultivate love in their lives, I have found it easier to express how I feel for someone. I find myself more capable of feeling love for others, and I am freer to express myself truthfully. So, with each note I write, I try and truly express how I feel in the closing. Yesterday, I felt like saying,

Keeping the love flowing,


I battled for a good 10 seconds over whether I should send that and remembered that “should” is a 4-letter word. It didn’t take long to remember that I choose to be uniquely and unapologetically ME.

How do you FEEL when you close a letter or email or text? How about when you start it? Do you feel like starting with “Greetings and Salutations!”, or perhaps “I am so glad you are in my life.”

Some of my favorite, but now a bit overused, closings are: In gratitude, Blessings, In Light and Love, Love & Light,…

I am thinking I am ready to branch out to phrases like “Ravishing your beauty,” or “Sharing the sri.”

I would love, love, love to hear your special greetings and closings.

Unapologetically yours,


Be uniquely you!
