139- Nobody Cares

It took me many years to find this to be true in many ways. A technician without passion is no fun to watch, but someone with true passion can draw you in and move you, even if their technique is lacking.
It’s the same in the dance of life. If you aren’t passionate about it, it doesn’t matter how good you are. People won’t be moved by you. Do what moves you, and it will inspire others to do the same.


113- You Cannot Drown In LOVE

Another inspired by a Facebook post. Original quote:

“Reason is powerless in the expression of LOVE.”
Rumi….. ♥

My thoughts:

Love is not rational. Love flows. What a wonderful way of being, to remember life is not black and white.
To try and rationalize “what is love” or “is this love” puts a damper on the true expression.
Flow with it. Let it sweep you away like the currents, and surrender to the beauty. You cannot drown in Love. ~Amy Baker


44- Passionate Curiosity


I was sitting down to write this blog last night, when my roommate and I engaged in conversation. Part of me really wanted to get the blog written for the day and Accomplish my goal of keeping on track. The … Continue reading


10- When Dreams Are Made


Too often we are unaware of our own magnificence. I had the pleasure of enjoying some live Hawaiian music tonight, along with a beautiful hula dancer. She was the hula dancer most people would expect when they come to Hawaii; … Continue reading


1- Pardon me, could you spare a midlife crisis?


This gallery contains 1 photo.

I have three weeks to find income. My rent is too high, my debt too high, and now my income is ending. On the eve of a full moon, with visions of homelessness for my daughter and myself looming in … Continue reading
