12- Trusting Your Buddha Timeline

Do not accept any of my words on faith,
Believing them just because I said them.
Be like an analyst buying gold, who cuts, burns,
And critically examines his product for authenticity.
Only accept what passes the test
By proving useful and beneficial in your life.

The Buddha (Jnanasara-samuccaya)

One reason I love sharing with others, both in person and online is that we each take what works from others’ thoughts, lessons, and musings.

While in an Anusara yoga immersion in January, my yoga teacher Skeeter Tichnor told us that we can only learn the lesson if we are ready. We were supposed to read one of many interpretations of the “Bhagavad Gita” in preparation for the immersion, and I know that most people had not done so. She said that if we pick up a book, and it doesn’t speak to us, to not keep reading. “Put it down and try another book.” The room exhaled and settled in, relieved to know that it is okay if they didn’t “get” the “Bhagavad Gita”, or any text for that matter.

I talk of this because I feel there is a time for everything. Our world around us does not change based on who we are. We do not suddenly meet Mr. or Mrs. Right, and we don’t miss the chance to meet them. Teachers do not suddenly come into our lives by some divine intervention.

Through growth and awareness, we are drawn to a certain teacher, a special friend, or a stranger. These people are around us all the time. Whether we are ready to engage with any of these people is a whole other story. This person could be a mentor, friend or lover. It depends on how you meet and where you each are at in life.

Knowing this, I can trust in the natural process and the beautiful unfolding of events in my life, right on time. How can I not be ready for something presented to me, knowing the timing had to be right first for the opportunity to even come to life in my heart and mind?

In this challenging time in my life, I feel confident that everything is unfolding as it should, and that I am ready for any opportunity presented to me. This trust that life is happening right on time, My Time, allows me to continue to enjoy the world around me, rather than being consumed with worry.

Know that you are on your own timeline, and that there is a time for everything. If you are not getting what you think you want or need in life, perhaps you are simply not ready. Observe your life, learn the lessons, and trust in the sweet unfolding of your existence.
