63- Your Posts Reflect Your Intention In The World


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I subscribe to several blogs, and I admit I can’t get to all of the posts, but I did open a recent one from Full Contact Enlightenment, where I saw: Lovely Amy over at Daily Dharma dropped me some comment love … Continue reading


60- I’m a Killer


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Do not injure any being, either strong or weak in the world. — Sutta Nipata   I read the above quote on the Facebook Buddha Bless You page right after I killed a mouse! I am house sitting, and there … Continue reading


58- Rock On Bodhisattva!


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While reading the Full Contact Enlightenment blog, I clicked on this page, where I read the Bodhisattva Vow by Adam Yauch (aka MCA), which really resonated with me. The Beastie Boys video didn’t, but the vow did. As I Develop … Continue reading


57- What to do in the face of face eating zombies


I read today in a pharmacy update about “face eating zombies” in Miami. If you haven’t heard, here is one story. Here is an even better commentary. My first instinct was to stand up from my computer, go knock on … Continue reading


51- Losing My Identity


Today, I had a few experiences of not feeling like myself, and yet I was more myself than usual. It’s hard for me to explain, since I don’t quite understand it yet, but I will do my best. Like most … Continue reading


45- When the Four Gates of Speech aren’t enough


I am in a quandary and unsure how to proceed. For the past several months, I have worked on only responding to people, whether it be via email or in person, without my ego. It is important to me to … Continue reading


26- How can one be both human and zen?


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These thoughts came to me during my acupuncture session today… How can one be both human and zen? I ask this because I am coming up against my own body in my pursuit of zen-ness. I used to have anger, … Continue reading


17-Take It Off The Mat


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Today, I realized yet again how much Anusara yoga, and the teachings of Skeeter Tichnor, have helped me handle my life with grace and love. I haven’t taken a yoga class in a couple of weeks, and I haven’t been … Continue reading


12- Trusting Your Buddha Timeline


Do not accept any of my words on faith, Believing them just because I said them. Be like an analyst buying gold, who cuts, burns, And critically examines his product for authenticity. Only accept what passes the test By proving … Continue reading
