143- So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.


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This excerpt of T.S. Eliot’s work from Four Quartets: The East Coker speaks to my need for silence, and the innate uncomfortable-ness of that space between the light and the dark. It is in the anticipation of what lies beneath … Continue reading


86- Survival Mode Antidote


In my lack of awareness yesterday, I was acutely aware of something…. and that was my lack of connection. I noticed yesterday, while figuring out how to organize and transport my belongings to donation, storage unit, and moving, that I … Continue reading


66- Hidden Connections Part Two


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“A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one.” ~Heraclitus (c.536-470 BC)  Last night, I experienced deep physical connection with someone I had only “known” for a few minutes. I ventured again to The Studio Maui for their 5Rhythms class, … Continue reading
