149- Tuning Out to Tune In


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“The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures. It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless blades … Continue reading


143- So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.


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This excerpt of T.S. Eliot’s work from Four Quartets: The East Coker speaks to my need for silence, and the innate uncomfortable-ness of that space between the light and the dark. It is in the anticipation of what lies beneath … Continue reading


141- Going Inward

Photo by Lee Johnson www.collectivescience.org

I have found myself lately wanting to be alone, not to avoid others, but to truly BE with myself. I have so often over the years kept myself too busy and too distracted to spend valuable time with myself getting to know ME.

As my moon cycle approaches, and shifts are happening in my life, I feel a definite pull inward. Before, I would have pushed myself to do, do, do. Now, I am happy to have a good chunk of the day to relax with myself, and to honor my own personal ebb and flow.

I may even kidnap myself away for the rest of the week, like I would a lover on a honeymoon. Yes, a Self-Cation!

Going inward…. let’s catch up when I emerge.


136- How We Perceive What We Receive


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The man I have been intimately involved with posted the following on my Facebook wall today: “There are two questions a man must ask himself: The first is ‘Where am I going?’ and the second is ‘Who will go with … Continue reading


131- Relationship or Work Issues? Talk With a Horse


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I never thought horses could teach me about how I act in relationships and in my life, until yesterday. We were introduced to equine therapy, and I was amazed at the insight gained in just a short hour session where … Continue reading


119- Unleash Your Mind


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Last week, I was processing, and it wasn’t an active process, meaning I wasn’t doing it by choice. My mind was running a marathon, and it seems it had been training to go the distance! Some of it was painful, … Continue reading


86- Survival Mode Antidote


In my lack of awareness yesterday, I was acutely aware of something…. and that was my lack of connection. I noticed yesterday, while figuring out how to organize and transport my belongings to donation, storage unit, and moving, that I … Continue reading


80- Dis-Anchored


Sometimes it takes others to point out the obvious to us.Even when the obvious is something we drag in off the ocean floor. I received a text from my dear friend Celeste. She brightens my life! I didn’t feel well, … Continue reading


72- Beach Dancing


Tonight I tried something new! My friend Joel called me up and told me about this lady who gathers a group of people on the beach, gives each of them an iPod shuffle with a preset playlist, has everyone hit … Continue reading


66- Hidden Connections Part Two


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“A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one.” ~Heraclitus (c.536-470 BC)  Last night, I experienced deep physical connection with someone I had only “known” for a few minutes. I ventured again to The Studio Maui for their 5Rhythms class, … Continue reading
