100- Oh, That Inner Child!


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“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago”- Friedrich Nietzsche When infants, toddlers, children in general get tired, they get cranky. Patience, understanding, curiosity, play go out the window. Nothing will suffice but sleep, and … Continue reading


92- From Human Do-ing to Human Be-ing


Yes, that’s where I have been, in a time warp. I have lost track completely (almost) of days, hours, whether I blogged for the day or not. Life has been very different, very fulfilling, and soul-opening lately. It’s amazing what … Continue reading


30- Honor Thyself


This gallery contains 1 photo.

…a second chance to count her blessings, heal wounded hearts, recapture lost love… and to live a life that will truly honor others — beginning with herself… Honor Thyself by Danielle Steel Some of you may have noticed this is … Continue reading
