MADness strikes…. seeking cover girl status

Part of me thinks I must be mad. I spent many years being busy, busy, active, active. I drove myself and my body….and you know what? After poo-pooing it for so long, and for noting that so much of it was initiated out of, sometimes, a not so healthy place… I am turning full circle. I am entering the Oxygen Ultimate 90 day Challenge. Not only that, I am competing to get on their cover.

I have learned rest, and the value of just BEing. I spent a year working on being easy on myself on my body. And I realized I LOVE being active and healthy. Do I need to watch it and not push too hard? YES.

Recently, I started coffee again..bulletproof coffee to be exact. I quickly gained 4 pounds and was going out dancing a lot. And then, I realized I was worn out. Adrenal fatigue had come to visit me again. I noticed I had a harder time waking up in the morning, and my brain was foggy. The day after I quit coffee, I got up before my alarm. By day 6, I was mentally alert and my energy was more stable. Go figure!

Back to the Challenge.

When I was 27, I worked out 2-3 hours a day, ate 1200 calories, tanned a lot, and looked pretty amazing. I was strong and agile. BUT, it was all based out of my eating disorder. I thought that if I had the perfect ass, my husband would stop seeing other women. I read Oxygen magazine religiously and pictured myself on the cover. A male competitor saw me in the gym one day and said I could be ready for a competition in 6 weeks. I didn’t realize then what a compliment that was!!

After that, I started marathons and triathlons, and got super strong and fit, while eating!

Fast forward a few years… broken pelvis, and resultant adrenal fatigue (with hypothyroidism), plus daily alcohol consumption. Not pretty. I wasn’t heavy, but I wasn’t the tight, strong fit girl I was used to. I was horribly depressed too.

Fast forward a few more years to age 40 (and fabulous).…recovered pelvis with some minor lingering issues, adrenal fatigue if I abuse myself, many months of completed intense therapy resolving my eating disorder issues (at least it feels that way), and a better knowledge of both how to be healthy in mind and body, and the desire to do it right.

WHAM! In comes an invitation to the Oxygen Ultimate Challenge.

July 15- Oct 12 I will be working my butt off eating clean and smart, getting active, disciplined, and healthy. To prove it, I will be posting at least before and after photos. Likely, to stay honest, I will post weekly shots.

OMG! My butt in a bikini for everyone to see….I truly have lost my mind.

I want this. I have so many other things I am focusing on for myself, and this is what I am using to kickstart my discipline and my vitality. I want to be healthy in a way that is sustainable, that I can honestly tell people I feel the best I have in my life by treating my body well.

Follow me on IG @amyrxbaker

The winner of the cover contest will be chosen BY THE PUBLIC  from 20 finalists. I would be ecstatic to even make the finals, but I will shoot for the gusto!


129- Un-Becoming Narcissism

A lot of my initial therapy was centered around narcissism. Since I found myself dating so many narcissists, it made sense to look at those elements in my upbringing which reflected what I was experiencing in my relationships. We follow the patterns we are familiar with, which is why we often end up with people who remind us of people in our family.

So, in talking today, the concept of a narcissist creating narcissism came up, which got me thinking. The idea was that a narcissistic person in a family will bring out the narcissistic tendencies in others. I see how, in living with a narcissistic husband, I became more narcissistic as a survival mechanism. In order to make everything OK, I catered to his narcissistic needs, which meant I expected my daughter to help make things okay as well. Hence, under this hypothesis, the daughter would also be narcissistic.

I do feel that in my efforts to make everything okay with the male in my life, I was playing the role of narcissist, and hence I was neglecting both the needs of myself and of my daughter. I see it all too clearly now. When I am not busy caretaking, I am much better equipped to focus on my own needs, and those of my daughter’s. It just takes too much energy to try and keep others happy. That’s their job.

I have found different definitions of narcissist that sing to me, and even a test to assess your level of narcissism. I dare you to take it, although if you do it willingly, you are probably not a narcissist.


126- Therapy Is Tough Work

I am sorely behind on my blogs, but I think that is part of my process. I am seeking to be authentic and honor my feelings.

Lately, I haven’t wanted to blog. I keep a written journal, an audio journal, and a food and feelings journal, on top of many hours of individual and group therapy a week. Sometimes it’s hard to take something down in a blog after all that. Or, the processing was so deep and intimate, I don’t really want to put it out there for general consumption.

Most often, I am just tired of processing. As much as I love realizing all of these things about myself and life, I feel I am on the fast track, and it can have a bit of a whiplash effect on me.

So, there you have it. Processing is tough work, and there is time necessary for integration. Sometimes that means not thinking, not doing, maybe even playing a bit.


111- Going Down the Rabbit Hole To Uncover My Emotions


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Facebook has been quite the source of inspiration for me lately. In my feed are really only positive affirmations, food for thought, life affirming statements and pictures. One page, Meditation, has posted some really great stuff. The following is a … Continue reading


85- How do you fill up?


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I have been feeling very full in my belly lately, which makes it hard to feel hunger. I talked to my therapist about it, and she pointed out all of the extremely emotional events I had been through that week, … Continue reading


57- What to do in the face of face eating zombies


I read today in a pharmacy update about “face eating zombies” in Miami. If you haven’t heard, here is one story. Here is an even better commentary. My first instinct was to stand up from my computer, go knock on … Continue reading


51- Losing My Identity


Today, I had a few experiences of not feeling like myself, and yet I was more myself than usual. It’s hard for me to explain, since I don’t quite understand it yet, but I will do my best. Like most … Continue reading


46- Intuition eating at ya?


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Trust your gut. How many times have you heard that? Do you know what it really means? Some people think it means to trust that when your belly says it’s hungry, that it’s telling the truth. It’s so much more … Continue reading


35- The greatest gift is to be seen


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In group session today, a topic came up that was batted around for quite some time. I kept hearing “I need to…” from this one person. “I need to exercise, but I don’t.” “I need to NOT buy bulk foods … Continue reading


30- Honor Thyself


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…a second chance to count her blessings, heal wounded hearts, recapture lost love… and to live a life that will truly honor others — beginning with herself… Honor Thyself by Danielle Steel Some of you may have noticed this is … Continue reading
