118- Breaking the Cycle- Rock The Boat Already!


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Are you expressing your true feelings? When someone asks you how you are, do you tell them the truth? When your partner or close friend asks if you are okay, and you shrug it off and say, “yes,” are you … Continue reading


73- My God-Self Says, “Hell Yes!”

I only wish I could have put it this way, but Yes! YES! YEESSS!

I look forward to the day when the only thing that ignites relationship is two souls calling out to one another, two soul-hearts beating in the same direction, a whisper of longing that bridges one essence to another. I want to want you not because it gratifies my ego, not because you are outwardly beautiful, but because your very presence invites my Godself out of hiding. I want to touch you with my heart on my sleeve, to know chemistry between us that is not gender identified, but that is essence sourced, loves liquid lava flowing from the heart to the genitals to the great beyond. In this love-struck world, relationship will always be experienced as spiritual practice, a devotional expression of our God-self.

from http://www.elephantjournal.com/2012/06/dear-divine-feminine-im-sorry-jeff-brown/


69- Making a list come to life

Have you ever given yourself credit for all your action in the world?

Yesterday, I decided to document my day, so I wrote down everything I did. If I turned on the fan so I didn’t roast, I did that. Any task, I wrote down. As I did this, I started to notice certain bodily feelings and emotions around certain actions.

I highlighted my interaction with my daughter in one color, physical sensations in another. I noticed that interaction with certain people caused my chest to tighten, making it hard to breathe, and I noted that when I read an email from a special person, I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

These sensations are not small. They are what make up our daily existence.

My documentation became a vivid and dynamic representation of my body’s response to the daily events of my life.

From here, I hope to bring my attention in more to how my body is feeling, since the body never lies. And then I can ensure that I fill my life with what and who is loving and life-affirming.




41- What Is An Open Relationship But Co-Creation of Loving Community?


I have known for a long time that society’s idea of intimate relationships doesn’t jive with me. I would listen to people complain about their spouses and wonder why and how it became fun and acceptable to joke about the … Continue reading


37- Be My Mirror


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This counseling stuff is intense. I say that lightly, because it really is a serious endeavor, yet we can’t take ourselves too seriously when going through it. My counselor often brings up other people in my life being my mirrors. … Continue reading


15- Men Play With Barbies,and I Am Not One


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“No” is a complete sentence.” ― Anne Lamott Today, I “realized” a boundary in relationships that I needed to establish. For once, there was no justifying or pushing aside my needs and what I knew was right for me. I … Continue reading
