153- Holy Past Blast Batman!


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Life has been very full lately, largely of stressful things…. really stressful things. Yet, it is all balanced by so much beauty and support, that I honestly can’t complain. I don’t want to be in crisis mode all of the … Continue reading


150- Deep Inner Work


A big part of me has been wondering why I don’t seem as inspired to write lately, and it dawned on me this morning that it’s because I have been going inward. I am seeking my own companionship instead of … Continue reading


130- Spiritual Bypass


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Following is from When Spirituality Disconnects Us From What Really Matters Have you ever: Used spirituality as a sort of escape from reality, or as a way to avoid some painful aspect of your life? Let yourself get taken advantage … Continue reading


111- Going Down the Rabbit Hole To Uncover My Emotions


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Facebook has been quite the source of inspiration for me lately. In my feed are really only positive affirmations, food for thought, life affirming statements and pictures. One page, Meditation, has posted some really great stuff. The following is a … Continue reading


79- Is it okay?


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Sometimes, I feel like I am overreacting. Like my stress is unwarranted. Yet, I can’t deny the absolute overwhelm I feel. Times like these (now), I want to crawl into bed and sleep until life is safer. It’s then that … Continue reading


36- Gratitude


I have no deep thoughts. But I do have gratitude. I live a blessed life, and while things right now are a bit up in the air for me, I only see them as a chance to repair and rebuild. … Continue reading


26- How can one be both human and zen?


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These thoughts came to me during my acupuncture session today… How can one be both human and zen? I ask this because I am coming up against my own body in my pursuit of zen-ness. I used to have anger, … Continue reading


22- That Child


Gnawing at your consciousness That bad child Like a dark undercurrent “You’ll always be alone.” “No one will ever love you wholly.” Undermining you, like so many voices in the past It sweeps through you, a dark cloud Crowding out … Continue reading
