76- In the middle

In the middle, the juncture

The place where the words of loved ones battle for a place in my life

Let them battle. Let them have their say. I will not choose to follow either

Guided by more, I can no longer be the chameleon

Love meets judgement

In my inner child’s heart

A figment, a remnant of the falsehood I once embraced

Finding my way through a hall of mirrors

‘Incompetent, failure, false, shame, fear, judgement, guilt’

‘Joy, capable, competent, trustworthy, real, acceptance, Love…’

One reflection has no labels and looks nothing like Me, but feels like ME

In this mirror is All, a million stars, a love so expansive, it breaks all boundaries and yet holds All tenderly

Black shadows dancing, swirling, lunging, only to burst into a million more stars, and then a million more

Until all I know is All


69- Making a list come to life

Have you ever given yourself credit for all your action in the world?

Yesterday, I decided to document my day, so I wrote down everything I did. If I turned on the fan so I didn’t roast, I did that. Any task, I wrote down. As I did this, I started to notice certain bodily feelings and emotions around certain actions.

I highlighted my interaction with my daughter in one color, physical sensations in another. I noticed that interaction with certain people caused my chest to tighten, making it hard to breathe, and I noted that when I read an email from a special person, I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

These sensations are not small. They are what make up our daily existence.

My documentation became a vivid and dynamic representation of my body’s response to the daily events of my life.

From here, I hope to bring my attention in more to how my body is feeling, since the body never lies. And then I can ensure that I fill my life with what and who is loving and life-affirming.




71- I feel you

Love knows no separation.

My chest expands, my cheeks flush.

Electric passion courses up my spine, around my head, and up to the heavens, lifting my heart and lips in blissful smiles, blissful sighs.

When I close my eyes, I feel you.

When you touch me, I am seen.

Two souls dancing in the candlelight, caressing the space of one unified heart.

We breathe as one, bending, surrendering, supporting.


Mid-night reverie, cartwheels under the stars.

My heart is overflowing into song!

I feel you.

I am you.


62- In Rhythm


This gallery contains 1 photo.

I think my body has been screaming at me, but not sure what it is saying. My heel kills me when I haven’t been standing for a while, or when I stand too long. My lower back always hurts, and … Continue reading


41- What Is An Open Relationship But Co-Creation of Loving Community?


I have known for a long time that society’s idea of intimate relationships doesn’t jive with me. I would listen to people complain about their spouses and wonder why and how it became fun and acceptable to joke about the … Continue reading


17-Take It Off The Mat


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Today, I realized yet again how much Anusara yoga, and the teachings of Skeeter Tichnor, have helped me handle my life with grace and love. I haven’t taken a yoga class in a couple of weeks, and I haven’t been … Continue reading
