90- And she asked, “What is Love?”


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I haven’t thought about the make up of Love in some time, not in depth anyway. I have felt it, embraced it, expressed it, but not wondered what it is. Last night, my daughter shared with me her journalling about … Continue reading


86- Survival Mode Antidote


In my lack of awareness yesterday, I was acutely aware of something…. and that was my lack of connection. I noticed yesterday, while figuring out how to organize and transport my belongings to donation, storage unit, and moving, that I … Continue reading


84- Seeds they are a flyin’


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Okay, I admit I am borrowing this material, but it captures something that I love. It captures a huge part of the reason I blog, why I always attempt to be raw, transparent and honest in my blogs. As I … Continue reading



“There is nothing wrong with dating someone. But if you believe you can only experience a state of calmness by being with somebody, this means that you are in a tricky situation, because a dependency exists. This dependency makes you feel anger. It doesn’t matter with whom or with what you are dating: a person, a car, a house or a bank account. If you depend on something outside of yourself to remain at peace, sooner or later, you will be dragged into suffering. Everything that is on the outside is transitory. It’s like a cloud that will always pass by. There is nothing wrong with you celebrating the encounter, but when you try to retain this moment and make it eternal, then you have a problem because the cloud always passes.”

Sri Prem Baba ~ ‘Flower of the Day’ 6/23/12

The following was the response from Angela Drake’s facebook status:

This is why it is divine to be alone… this is why getting self right within is vital… this is why exclusive love is an illusion… this is why being ones own beloved is perfect… this is why spending sacred self time in the reflection of another in a vibrational frequency that is elevated, is a sublime exchange and to walk away whole and in peace simply is a beautiful expression of love... with zero attachment, feeling blessed and content.
Anything and everything that is leaned upon in the outer world is an illusion or a need to fill and inner void. The inners are a sweet place to call home and rest in knowingness that all is in perfect order, then the outer world is a perfect reflection of inner tranquility. me

All of this is a lovely reminder of time with my beloved, and with those beloved in my life who partake in the dance of divine being, who reflect all the beauty we share and bring me closer and closer to my self, my first beloved.

To my beloveds, you live in my heart, always.


79- Is it okay?


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Sometimes, I feel like I am overreacting. Like my stress is unwarranted. Yet, I can’t deny the absolute overwhelm I feel. Times like these (now), I want to crawl into bed and sleep until life is safer. It’s then that … Continue reading


78- All I can do


Curious how I can be in bliss all day, and in an instant, I am yanked down into hell by my daughter’s hatred for me. Truly blissful, lazy, heart nourishing day…and it took one second to flip my switch. She … Continue reading


77- Tar Baby

The battle within

A part of me crops up, like a spoiled child, wanting its way

A baby born out of the want for love, need for affirmation, the drive to seek acceptance

Born out of lack of love, security, fulfillment, awareness, acceptance

It is the self turned against Self

What do you want, and why won’t you go away? How can I know of understanding and acceptance and love, and yet not feel it?

The black voice, oozing in between the rays of golden light, like tar

Telling me I am not worthy, I will forever be alone, I will never be good enough, no one will love me unconditionally

Like tar, the more I try and clear it, the more it smears across my life


74- Power-full Children


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When discussing the battle of wills my daughter and I experience, a friend of mine said something very poignant (as he often does). He said that the only power children have is their anger. Honestly, when you are completely dependent … Continue reading


61- Cosmic

My therapist called me today and said that I should consider a ritual tonight with my daughter. Little did I know that the lunar eclipse tonight is something very special and rare, and the planets have not been aligned like this for 26,000 years.

She said that tonight is the time to take all of our pains and anything that has been holding us back, write it all down, and then burn it during the eclipse, releasing it forever. She referred me to TheCosmicPath.com, which explains much of the background and significance.

I will reflect later, but for now I am excited to dive into what has been weighing me down my whole life, and release it all forever, together with my daughter on a little beach in the middle of the Pacific…

To be continued….

An excerpt from TheCosmicPath.com:

Sacred Ceremony

So, if you really are choosing to live in alignment with the movement of the Planets and Stars, if you really are open to maximising the opportunities that 2012 astrology and astronomy gifts us all – then this is the weekend to take out your journals or notebooks, set aside some quality ‘me’ time, and write down all that which you are ready to let go of, forgive and release.

Write on paper that can be removed from your journal or notebook. Once you have everything written down over the course of the weekend, (you don’t need to do it all in one sitting as you can go back to it again and again), then, either on Sunday night, or at the actual time of the Full Moon/Eclipse in your time zone (for example; UK 12.11 and CET 13.11) on Monday, create sacred space beneath the Moon, the Stars, or the Sun, in your garden, the woods, or somewhere private, safe and quiet and, in absolute mindfulness, burn the paper on which you have written your unhealed memories.

Observe the paper lifting into the air as it burns, notice the smoke rising towards the Heavens and visualise the past dissolving, transmuting and clearing in the flames, the sacred smoke, and, in your mind’s eye, into pure Light. You may say any consciously chosen words that support release, dissolution and transmutation if this feels appropriate.

All that we are able to release during the May 20th/June 4th Eclipse Window, and most especially what we consciously release on June 4th, is in preparation for the profoundly auspicious and extremely rare Venus Transit that will occur on 06.06.12, of which I shall write of in the days leading up to it.


57- What to do in the face of face eating zombies


I read today in a pharmacy update about “face eating zombies” in Miami. If you haven’t heard, here is one story. Here is an even better commentary. My first instinct was to stand up from my computer, go knock on … Continue reading
