112- Celebrate Your Inner Rainbow

Inspired by a Facebook post. Original quote:

“Colours seen by candlelight will not look the same by day.”

Elizabeth Barrett Browning….. ♥

Value all aspects (colors) of yourself. That includes the light and shadow, which alter our perception of everything.
Can you see the beauty in the shadow aspect? Can you see the darkness in the light?
Like a painter, I explore my colors. Dancing on every moment through my waters, my paints, kicking, sloshing, twirling, immersing myself fully.
Paintings in my mind, in my heart, impermanent, ready each day for a remodel of my inner landscape. ~Amy Baker


111- Going Down the Rabbit Hole To Uncover My Emotions


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Facebook has been quite the source of inspiration for me lately. In my feed are really only positive affirmations, food for thought, life affirming statements and pictures. One page, Meditation, has posted some really great stuff. The following is a … Continue reading


110- Getting back to that “Happy Place”

The following is borrowed from a Facebook status of a friend, and I felt it so timely:

In many shamanic societies if you came to a medicine person complaining of being dis-heartened, dis-spirited, depressed, they would ask you one of four ?s

when did you stop dancing
when did you stop singing
when did you stop being enchanted by stories
when did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?

I keep finding posts about how to get back to that “happy place” for people who are entangled in their old ways, their old patterns.

Just this morning, I was thinking that dancing, kirtan, and meditation are certainly ways to happiness, given they are engaged in mindfully. They are ways of staying present, ways of experiencing anew what may seem like the same activity.

Each day, a new life. Each breath, a new attitude. Each moment, a new beginning.


109- Who moved my mirror?


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My good friend Amanda came over today. I always love when we visit. She is a sunshiney person, and even on a rough day, she lights up my world when we are together. We talked about certain feelings like abandonment, … Continue reading


108- My own best friend


The days are going by faster than they used to, and I feel like I get less done. I find myself spending too much time and energy wanting what was, too much time and energy wanting, period. My gratitude has … Continue reading


106- How is it?


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How is it that a strong woman Feels vulnerable like a child? Scared, alone, unsure, adrift How can one endure so much And still doubt? Divine light one day, Childlike insecurities the next. Tears flow down my cheek, Carrying the … Continue reading


102- Starting the day with a big cup of Self Love

Amazed at the difference self care makes in my life. Taking the time to sit and be still in the morning, whether it’s meditation or a little feldenkrais/body awareness exercises, the head is clearer, anxiety lessens, and life is brighter.

A healthy breakfast, calm time in the morning, a nice shower and a big cup of self love is all it takes to make the whole day brighter. That brightness carries over to every part of my life.

Often, I don’t make my daughter breakfast. I want her to start taking that initiative herself, but it often backfires. When she was smaller, it was different. She is starting high school soon, and it is hard to know how and when to teach self-reliance.

This morning, I took some time for myself, cleaned up my desk a bit, then offered her a nice breakfast. Considering she woke up in a bad mood, that bit of light helped brighten her day. Such a simple act, and so much easier to offer lovingly when I have nourished my body and soul first.

Self care is not selfish in a judgemental sense. Self love is celebrating the divine within you that is within everything. To deny yourself your divine being, you are less able to recognize the divine in everything else. We are all of the same material, source, energy.

To recognize that you are but one more unique and amazing manifestation of the divine allows a healthier and freer interplay with all of the other unique manifestations in this world.


100- Oh, That Inner Child!


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“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago”- Friedrich Nietzsche When infants, toddlers, children in general get tired, they get cranky. Patience, understanding, curiosity, play go out the window. Nothing will suffice but sleep, and … Continue reading


99- Wisdom in the Flow


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I have noticed that my postings have become more sporadic, and they aren’t the forced daily postings I had before. I love posting, and I often have too many ideas to flesh out, so when nighttime comes, I am too … Continue reading


98- Failure is not in my vocabulary


If you think you can’t, then you are right. This has been one of my favorite quotes for many years. I used to worry so much about whether or not I could do something. The fear of failure often, I … Continue reading
